saas sàrl
Route des Jeunes 43
CH — 1227 Genève
+41 22 300 30 04
SAAS is part of the upcoming group show
Architecture of Memory at the Architecture Forum Zürich
curated by AKA – architektur, kunst und anderes
(Clara Maria Puglisi, Sonja Elisabeth Fuchs, Elodie Habert)
Instagram @architectureofmemory
13.03 – 26.04.2025, Zürich

Passerelle des Orchidées
competition for a pedestrian
and bicycle bridge, 1st prize
with MAJE
image: normalmap
2024, Bellevue – GE

Master Studio at the FHWN
Periphery, agglomeration, intermediate city: 6.6 million people live in Switzerland’s 52 agglomerations, which corresponds to 74% of the Swiss resident population. The Masterstudio takes a look at the Central Plateau, from Geneva to Rorschach. How can urban sprawl be re-designed? How can existing qualities be preserved and new specificities created? By what means and with what time horizon?
Teaching Team:
Fabio Gsell, Annette Helle, Patrick Meyer, Dominique Salathé, Laura Schneider, Guillaume Yersin (guest prof.)
Guest critics:
Victoria Easton, Rainer Klostermann, Adrien Meuwly, Reto Pfenninger
2024 – 2025

Direct mandate
with Ateliers Ecoles de Camp Perrin,
M. Meier Valentin, Jean-Christophe Grosso
2015 – on hold
Haïti [HT]

nature morte

URBAN PLAN for a former tile factory
invited competition
with Christ&Gantenbein, Vogt
2012, Crissier

Direct mandate
with M.Meier Valentin
2016 – 2018, Correvon [VD]

direct mandate, autoconstruction
with C.Gattigo
2019 – 2020, Geneva [GE]

Centre Archives et Patrimoine
competition, 2nd prize
images: normalmap
2022, La Chaux-de-Fonds

Extension of the water department building
The proposal was to continue the typological logic of the existing building. But, to ensure ecological continuity on the ground (small mammals, insects and other small inhabitants of the earth), the extension was planned on posts, leaving the ground completely free. Not compact enough, they said. Not sure that an artificial crater for concrete foundations would be more ecological. But the discussion is worthwhile.
2024, Lausanne

We were the only team among 40 participants to propose keeping the existing, fully functional school. And this against the (mainly economic) recommendations of the client. What do you call this? Suicide or coherence? Ask the jury.
2023, Crissier


Ecole Professionnelle Payerne
competition, 6th. prize
images: normalmap
2023, Payerne

Design for care
Medical facilities have traditionnally been visually sterile and consciously neutral.
This refurbishment of a medical practice on a very tight budget allowed (or forced?) us to negotiate with the existing structure and the technical modifications of the 1970s.
Suspended ceilings and plaster partitions have been removed, exposing the organs, veins and bones of the building. A new skin of sprayed plaster covers them like a veil, producing an inspiring surface to look at, while the practicioner is examining your body.
In the access corridor, mirrors mounted on the doors create an fascinating game of depths and counter perspectives, challenging the very classical layout and giving the patient a time to reflect before entering the medical practice itself.
with M.Meier Valentin
2015, Lausanne

Artisan park
Direct mandate
with C.Portmann, R.Dunant
2017 – on hold
Despite a pompous ceremony, the European Union has suspended the micro-park project in view of accusations of embezzlement and corruption concerning the government of Prezidan Jovenel Moïse.
Moreau, Haïti [HT]

industrial, storage, craft
direct mandate
earth from the excavation and terracota sourced from the demolition process will be integrated in the raw earth bricks composing the facade. sands and gravels for the concrete will be sourced on site, allowing production, transport and movement of materials to be reduced to a minimum.
2019 – 202x, geneva

has just published a little book on SAAS.
The selection of works and texts, crafted together
with graphic designer Manon Mello, illustrates
the range and the variety of interests, realisations,
studies and competitions the office has been working on.
A good opportunity to take a stand and reflect on
10 years of architectural practice.

2021-22, Guest Professorship at the TU WIEN
The two semesters focussed on Heldenplatz
and the Ringstrasse – students projects and
reflections – have been published in a special issue
of the italian magazine AREA on the city of Wien.
Here the link to the full issue.

with Schnetzer&Puskas
image: normalmap
2022, St-Maurice

Direct mandate
wiht M. Meier Valentin
Photos: Roman Keller
2012 – 2015, Lullier [GE]

with YellowOffice
2022, Sierre

Plateforme 10
with J. Løland
festival plaza
2021, Lausanne

Entwicklung Gaswerkareal und Brückenkopf West
with yellowoffice & Atelier+
2021, Bern

Campus Platztor Uni St-Gall
with C. Portmann
2019-2020, St Gall

international museum of the reformation
transformation and renovation
with Christ&Gantenbein
2018 – 2022, Geneva [GE]
images: Damien Magat

New clothing brand in Geneva having
a festive photoshoot at saas’s.
OSMAR only uses textiles sourced from donations
or from thrift shops following a strategy of re-use.
Dyes are obtained from vegetable pigments
taken from plants grown in their own garden

Extension of a villa
Direct mandate
with M. Meier Valentin
2015 – 2018, Chexbres [VD]

Competition for the raising of 3 buildings
images: normalmap
2023, Genève

saas has been invited by Archithese
to present some recent work at
the Swiss Performance 2022 event,
October 13th. 2022, Zürich

coping with urban climates
new publication by Prof.Sascha Roesler
ed. Sascha Roesler, Madlen Kobi, Lorenzo Stieger
featuring saas and C.Gattigo’s project JNS in Geneva
“Diagrams that combine weather data, indoor temperatures and thermal actions
to analyze the interactions between structural and physical adaptation to thermal conditions
in space.”

RE-Cycling Workshop
Lecture at the D-ARCH, ETH
11.04.2022, Zürich

Vortrag im Architektur Forum
25.03.2022, 19:00, Zürich

SAAS has been invited by New Generations
to present its work at the event YEAH!
for Esch 2022 – European Capital of Culture
april 15th. 2022, Esch-sur-Alzette

2021 – 202?, Geneva [GE]
First geotechnical investigations underway

guest professor at the TU WIEN
2021 – 2022

Writing in Obscurity
Vortrag an dem Institut Architektur FHNW
17.11. 2021, Muttenz

Port Gitana
with L. Zelger
2020, Geneva

Mandat direct
2018 – suspendu
Camp-Perrin, Haïti [HT]

July 2021
Guillaume has been appointed
member of the FAS | BSA.

Lecture for Das Verein,
About Conditions
30.02. 2020, Basel

Consultations Grand Genève
Habiter la ville-paysage du 21e siècle.
pour la Fondation Braillard
avec BAUKUH, S. Boeri, M. Desvigne,

Direct mandate
wiht M. Meier Valentin
2015 – 2019, Les Diablerets [VD]

“Rahmenplan Freiraum” Inselareal
strategisches Freiraumkonzept und Regelwerk
Studienauftrag, 1. Preis, in Erarbeitung
mit DUO, Panorama AG, Daniel Wolf, Rolf Steiner
2018 – 2030, Bern [BE]

Genève, Ville et Champs
Concours 1er prix et réalisation
avec Romain Legros, M. Meier Valentin
2013 – 2014, Lancy [GE]

Luna Sul Bosforo
avec M. Meier Valentin
2016, Zürich [ZH]

Plateforme d’observation
Mandat direct public, S.I.G.
avec M. Meier Valentin
2011 – 2013
Photos: Roman Keller
Aigues-Vertes [GE]

saas sàrl is part of the
Disappearing Museums Project
by curator Sandino Scheidegger
view a preview of the book here

sur l’invitation de :
Tiago P. Borges et Diogo F. Lopes
29.03.2018, FA’R Lausanne [VD]

saas dans JAS

Still a matter of art
exposition collective
commissaires: Tiago P. Borges et Diogo F. Lopes
avec Abraha Ackermann, Conen Sigl,
Camponovo Baumgartner, Schneider Türtscher
2018, FA’R Lausanne [VD]

Absolument tout
Cycle de conférences
Invités: Marc Augé, Véronique Yersin,
Stefan Burger, Fouad Bouchoucha
avec Romain Legros, Manon Mello
2014, Lancy [GE]

Campus Pôle Santé
avec C.Portmann, Atelier +
2019, Sion [VS]

Ambassade de Suisse
avec C.Portmann
2018, Addis Abeba [ET]

Cycle d’Orientation Balexert
avec Atelier +, S. Le Dortz
2017, Vernier [GE]

Extension du siège de l’UIT
Concours, finaliste
avec Léonie Zelger
2017, Place des Nations [GE]

Projet Grand Saconnex
Concours, 3ème rang, 1ère mention
avec Atelier + , M. Meier Valentin, MS Bern,
2016, Le Grand Saconnex [GE]

avec M. Meier Valentin
2015, Lausanne [VD]

Opération Les Vernets
Concours, finaliste
avec M. Meier Valentin
2013 – 2014, Les Vernets [GE]

Ancien Manège
Concours, 2ème prix
avec M. Meier Valentin
2014, Genève [GE]

Cardinal blueFactory
Concours, 5ème prix
Cardinal et Decumanus
2012 – 2013, Fribourg [FR]

saas sàrl produces architecture since 2012. Drawn or built, this architecture means to be vital, understandable, powerful, multiple in its lecture but simple in its appearance. Based on a research about plasticity and the study of proportions, it is spatial, physical and hence, built. Deeply convinced that architecture and the city are collective works, the office draws its strength equally from the interactions with users than from the professional collaborations, local or international, that might arise.
saas sàrl has so far mainly focused on questions of transformations, that be on the urban or architectural scale. Mutating urban context, jumps in scale, structural mix and complexity, morphological and typological researches are at the core of our practice. Shifting conditions and evolution are given variables and stable companions.
saas sàrl has been lucky to work for private individuals as well as collectivities, from the transformation of a single family home to the reconversion of an oil refinery. The office has been working with entities such as CICR, SIG or BONFED. Its works have been presented at the S AM Basel, at the F’AR Lausanne and the Architektur Salon in Hamburg, among others.
Guillaume Yersin (Vevey, 1981) studied Human Medicine at the University of Geneva. After obtaining a Bachelor in 2003, he then studied architecture at the ETH Zürich and at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. After experiences at Lacaton & Vassal in Paris and AMO in Rotterdam, he obtained a MSc. in Architecture from ETHZ in 2009. In 2012, he founded his own practice saas sàrl in Geneva. In parallel, Guillaume maintains his academical engagement as intense as possible. From 2012 to 2016, he has been a teaching assistant to the Prof. Christ & Gantenbein at ETH Zürich. He has been repeatedly invited as a guest critic at EPFL, HEAD, ETHZ and HEIA-Fribourg. In 2021, Guillaume was invited as a guest professor at TU Wien. He is currently Guest Professor at the FHNW in Basel.
Isabelle Cochevelou, arch. EPFL
Guillaume Yersin, arch. ETHZ | SIA | FAS
Emile Corthay
Sebastien Le Dortz
Floriane Fol
Foucauld Huard
Andrea Ishii
Mona Lecoultre
Michael Meier
Elli Moustaka